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Friday Night Fights (European Timezone Edition)


All Rounds will be best of 1 besides the Finals which will be best of 3.  All rounds will be blind pick. Send blind picks to CoolUmbrella.  Unless you're playing against me send them to Tactical Lich.

We will use BBB rules.  Star Dragon and Tzeentch Soul Grinder Limit 1 are considered Super Weapons. Ogre Kingdoms can bring 5 of each Gnoblar unit.  CRYPT HORRORS ARE BANNED.

Please Join BBB Discord before tournament starts:

If there is any question of a rule break after the match has started, please finish the match then send in the replay to CoolUmbrella for review, but it would be best if everyone plays like fine gentlemen and ladies to begin with.  No Smurfing, if you are caught doing this automatic ban from tournaments.  Repeated rule abuse will lead to suspension or ban from future tournaments.  We will sometimes cast the tournaments depending on the week they will be streamed on:
(2) Human Boy YesYes - YouTube
(2) Tactical Lich - YouTube
(2) BBB_Official - YouTube

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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