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  • PC (Steam)

Schedule + Streamed matches

Round/Week 1 (20-26.07.2020):

Streamed on 24.07.2020 =

1. SinJul vs BTF Paladin

2. Prebski vs Logec

Round/Week 2 (27.07.-02.08.2020):

Streamed on 31.07.2020 =


Round/Week 3 (03.-09.08.2020):

Streamed on 07.08.2020 =

Round/Week 4 (10.-16.08.2020):

Streamed on 14.08.2020 =

Round/Week 5 (17.-23.08.2020):

Streamed on 21.08.2020 =

Round/Week 6 (24.-30.08.2020):

Streamed on 28.08.2020 =

Round/Week 7 (31.08.-06.09.2020):

Streamed on 04.09.2020 =


Streamed on 11.09.2020


Grand Finals + 3rd Place

Streamed on 18.09.2020

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third



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