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Challengers of the Grail #26

The next Land Battle tournament of the ODM community will start this saturday (10/06) at 5PM GMT+2.

Cast: TBD

You have to join the ODM community discord if you want to play:

Pick and bans
Coming from CoMaWhite (i adapted a bit): once you play a faction you cannot play it anymore during all the tourney.
Bans can't be repeated in the same serie.
One you won a serie, you have to write on discord (#finding your opponent) the factions you played in that serie before starting picking for next one)
The 2 finalists will get 2 factions they played back in their pool (Hannodins will chose them for you and announce them). 1 faction coming from your first picks, 1 from you counterpicks or tiebreaker

P1 picks 1 ban 3
P2 counterpicks
Swap position for next game

Tie breaker: Both players pick 4 factions, in this order:

P1 pick 2

P2 pick 3

P1 pick 2

P2 pick 1

Then, both players blind pick one of their pool using this link: 
Preset "WH3 Blind pick" – AoE Captains Mode (
(click "create a new draft from this preset" and send the link to your opponent)

Referees and admins: Hannodins




Chaos dwarfs:
- Train/chariots are max 1 (and all the same, so 1 max overall)

-You can pick 1 Grail Knight or 1 Grail Guardian or 1 Hyppos knight, not more

- Pump wagons are banned

If you find bugs, pls make us know, any intended exploit will result in a ban.

Not respecting attacking rules (called by referee) will result in a lose directly.

Not respecting the army restrictions ->remove only the units/mounts/ability out of the limityou are free to use the money for fulling your army. The opponent can remake his army entirely.

Live coaching is banned, you have to be deafen if you want to share your screen during games.
Not respecting this will result in a gameloss and player will have to be in voc in the ODM discord being deafen.

A referee decision cannot be challenged, we can discuss about it but it won't change the call (even if its appears the decision was wrong).

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third










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