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Ulthuan Divided

Army Building rules:

All tournament communication will take place through Discord, on the Under Empire Discord Server.

Discord Link:

Hi, Everyone.

This is a thematic for fun Tournament in which High Elves beat the crap out of each other for control of the Doughnut island. (Also called Ulthuan)

Each player picks a High Elven faction from the following:
Avelorn, Caledor, Chrace, Eataine, Ellyrion, Nagarythe, Saphery, Yvresse

Please write the name of the faction you've picked after your username.
(While it would be fun to have at least 1 representative of each subfaction, multiple of the same subfaction are allowed.)

In order to make sure that Armies are properly themed a certain set of army building rules has been put in place for each faction.
Rules for building armies for each faction are described in the .pdf above.

Matches are Bo1
We play using the Attacking Rule from fruit rules.
(It's a for fun event so let's just not be dicks to one another and we should be fine)

All other rules and proceedings also handled in accordance with fruit rules, unless the special rules above state otherwise.

Fruit rules:

The winner get's a pat on the back, and the glorious priviledge of calling himself the winner.


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