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Bavaria Burst II: Samurai Shodown V Special

Samurai Shodown V Special side tourney at Bavaria Burst 2. Times are not final yet! If you can't be at the venue on friday, please shoot me a message (Discord: Unjson#4294).

  • Played on PS4
  • 5€ Buy-in (?) + 50€ Pot Bonus provided by me
  • Prize pot is split 60/30/10 between top 3
  • Winner's Finals/Loser's FInals/Grand Finals all Bo5, rest Bo3
  • Loser may change their character, winner must keep their character
  • Keyboard converters are allowed, as long as the setup takes 5 minutes or less
  • Turbo/Marco functions are banned (this does not include the in-game-marcos ofc)
  • Shizumaru Start-button glitch is banned
  • Enja Acceleration Special Move (4123632141236ABD) is banned

If there's any confusion regarding rules during the tournament, the TO will have the last word on any issues that might arise.

This bracket is a preview and subject to change until the tournament is started.

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