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Mal & Gol's Colour Coded Cup [CCC]

  • 46 Players
  • Single Elimination
  • Total War Warhammer
  • October 18, 2020 at 4:00 PM BST
  • Check-in: Closed

Tournament completed!

Share the victory to your followers by giving a shout-out.


The forces of the new and the old world march to war once more, but neither morale nor history have dictated the alliances today. This time a more heraldic endeavour has brought enemies together and ripped allies apart: Each contingent seeks to prove their colour to be blessed by the gods, their banners to be sacred! Yet which of these twelve unholy alliances will succeed is only known to the deities whose favour they seek…  

This tournament will feature no player limit, with all rounds, excluding the finals, being a b03. The finals will be b05. We will be using a pick single ban system, beginning with the player the top of the bracket. Please join the following Discord ( and add your opponents on steam once the bracket goes live to ensure a smooth process.   


Please see the rules below:  


Every player chooses one team from the colour coded teams below, you then use those 5 LLs and their (sub)factions the whole tournament.
Important: You are obliged to use the legendary lord!

All players must indicate which colour group they are choosing in their challonge name before the tournament begins, for example PlayerX (Light Green) 

You cannot play with the same LL twice in the same round 

Some subfactions might have two LLs assigned. In that case you may play either of them, but you will have to let your opponent know in the pick/ban phase which one you've chosen. 


Side note: Since the mighty Saurus hasn't found a home in any other group, Nakai adopted lil' Kroqi nto his faction ;D


Top of bracket player is P1 


R1: P1 Picks 1 and Bans 1 

R2: P2 Picks 1 and Bans 1 

R3: P2 Picks 1 and P1 chooses from their remaining factions 

Unlimited Time in games. 

Regular/Standard Army Size (20) 

Large Funds (12.4k) 



Prize: become Vclaws birthday champion and any DLC of your choosing including the upcoming wood elf one

Known players intentionally smurfing will result in a ban, unless they declare to me prior to the event that they will be playing under an alternate name. 

Versión en español


El torneo no tiene límite de jugadores, con todas las rondas, excluidas las finales, hacemos un b03. La final será b05. Usaremos una sistema de elegir, y banear uno, comenzando con el jugador en la parte superior. Únase a esta discordia ( y agregue a sus oponentes en Steam una vez que el soporte se active para garantizar un proceso sin problemas.


Consulte las reglas a continuación:


Cada jugador elige un equipo de los equipos codificados por colores. A continuación, usara esas 5 facciones y LL para todo el torneo. No se puede jugar con el mismo LL dos veces en la misma ronda.

No te olvides poner el color de cual equipo eliges en tu nombre de challonge antes de que se empieza el torneo 




El jugador de la parte superior es P1 y el de la inferior P2


R1: P1 elige 1 y prohibe 1  

R2: P2 elige 1 y prohibe 1  

R3: P2 elige 1 y P1 elige de los facciones que se queda 


Tiempo ilimitado en juegos.  

Tamaño del ejército regular / estándar (20)

Grandes fondos (12.4k)  


Premios: que serás el campeón de Vclaw en su cumpleaños, y cualquier DLC que quisieras obtener, incluideo el de los sylvanos que viene

Los jugadores conocidos que usen seudónimos para pasar desapercibidos intencionalmente, resultarán en una eliminación, a menos que me declaren antes del evento que jugarán con un nombre alternativo.  


Streams/ Transmisión:


English – HapyPupy (


Castellano - Pacifist Warlord (


Golden Eagle



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