Tekken 7
  • 38 Players
  • Double Elimination
  • TEKKEN 7
  • June 20, 2021 at 5:00 PM CEST
  • Check-in: Closed

Tournament completed! Post an announcement to share updates to your community.




  • Tournament platform: PC (Steam)
  • Match: First to 2 wins
  • Winners, Losers, Grand Final: First to 3 wins
  • Rounds: First to 3 rounds
  • Round timer: Standard
  • Stage: Always random
  • After a set the loser can switch characters. The winner must keep playing the same character!
  • In case of a disconnect, the disconnecting player loses the current round. If this does not end the current match, recreate the meter gauges as identical to the round the disconnected happened as possible.

1. General Rules

  1. Hessen Crash is an offline and online tournament sereis organized by 2BeCommUnity. The tournaments are run in Europe (for eligible countries see 7. in General Rules) and are organized by members of the community in cooperation with 2BeCommunity (2BCU). No publisher or any of their employees/members are affiliated with the Hessen Crash series of tournaments or have any part in organizing the tournaments.

  2. The head administrator responsible for Hessen Crash is Jan "SinJul" Openkowski. The head administrator has the final say in all decisions concerning the rules, regulations, and day-to-day operations of Hessen Crash tournaments. For inquiries please contact [email protected].

  3. The head administrator is supported by Hessen Crash staff members (recognizable by the Tournament Staff-role and HC-tag in their nickname on the official 2BCU Discord). Every Hessen Crash staff member has the right to act on their own in situations that require instant action. Should you not agree with a decision please voice your complaints in the dedicated #feedback channel on the Discord Server.

  4. To facilitate smooth operations of each tournament all participants need to join the official 2BCU Discord (https://discord.gg/4KnEZDF) server for purposes of communication with fellow participants as well as tournament staff.

  5. Hessen Crash tournaments will be streamed on Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/2bcu).

  6. Matches to be streamed will be announced in the #hessen-crash-online channel on Discord. Players set to play on stream will be invited to a dedicated stream lobby by tournament staff. All matches from Top 6 onward will be streamed. Please pay attention and contact Hessen Crash staff when in doubt.

  7. Players who refuse to have their match streamed will be disqualified from the running tournament.

  8. The tournament is open to the following countries:

    • Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City

  9. Players under the age of 12 are allowed to participate in Hessen Crash tournaments with explicit consent from their parents, or otherwise specified legal guardians.

  10. Players under the age of 16 are not eligible for receiving any monetary or other winnings from Hessen Crash tournaments (for more information refer to Prizes and Eligibility-section of this document).

  11. Participants are expected to understand and be able to reply in English.

  12. Usage of Wi-Fi connections is strictly forbidden. You have to be on a wired connection, either taking the form of PC → LAN cable → Router, or PC → LAN cable → Powerline Adapter → LAN cable → Router.

  13. Players willing to participate in the tournament are also expected to be willing to take part in an internet connection test if prompted by the Hessen Crash staff. Refusal to comply will lead to removal from the current tournament.

2. Tournament Rules

  1. We use Challonge (https://challonge.com) for the organization of Hessen Crash tournaments. Each player is required to sign-up/check-in for each tournament by themselves.

  2. There currently is no participant-cap set in place.

  3. Your nickname on the Discord server and your nickname on Challonge should be identical.

  4. Registering for a tournament with multiple accounts is forbidden and leads to exclusion from the current Hessen Crash tournament if found out by Hessen Crash staff.

  5. The check-in will open 1 hour before the tournament starts.

  6. Check-ins are being handled on Challonge. Participants who fail to check-in on their own during the check-in period are removed from the current bracket.

  7. Streaming or watching streams while playing your matches is forbidden to ensure better connection quality. Streaming Hessen Crash matches on your own will lead to disqualification from the current tournament.

  8. The tournament will be conducted using the "Double Elimination" (DE) bracket system:

    • All players start in the Upper Bracket (UB).
    • After the first round of matches is played the losers of the matches drop into the Lower Bracket (LB) and continue their tournament run there. 
    • If a player loses a match in the LB they are eliminated from the tournament.
    • Players in the UB who lose one of their matches past the first round are also put into the LB and can continue the fight from there.

  9. During the Grand Final of the tournament, the player from LB needs to win a total of two sets against the player from UB. One to put the WB player into the LB and force a bracket reset and another one to win the tournament. The player from UB only needs to win one set.

  10. Participants have five (5) minutes to contact their respective opponent before each match during a running tournament. For this, the #hessen-crash-online channel on the 2BCU Discord server should be used. Participants are asked to contact Hessen Crash Staff (Tournament Staff-role on Discord) if their opponent does not respond to contact attempts after five minutes. The staff will then try to resolve the situation and hand out default-wins in cases of no-shows.

  11. After finishing playing a match one of the two players needs to submit the match result in the #hessen-crash-online channel on the Discord server for staff to update the bracket. We recommend the winner of the match to do this. Results should be submitted in the following format "Player 1 X:X Player 2" where "Player 1" & "Player 2" are to be replaced with the actual player names and X with the appropriate scores.

  12. After a match is complete and the score has been entered into the bracket on Challonge by Hessen Crash Online staff both players can move on to play their next respective matches in the brackets. Players do not have to wait for their next match to be called by staff with the only two exceptions being matches played on stream and all matches from the Top 6 of the tournament onward (see 7. under General Rules).

3. Match Rules

  1. All matches up to the Top 4 of each tournament are to be played in a First to Two (Ft2)/Best of Three (Bo3) format. This means that one player needs to win two games to win the Match.

  2. All matches from Top 4 onward are to be played using the First to Three (Ft3)/Best of Five (Bo5) format. This means that one player needs to win three games to win a match.

  3. The player listed on the top position of the match in the official Challonge bracket can choose what side they want to play the first game on.

  4. Allowed stages are all stages. You cannot select a stage, only random stage select again or rematch on the same stage after a set.

  5. After each game, the loser can switch their character and color palette. The winner of a game must keep their character, but is allowed to switch their color palette.

  6. The loser of a game can request to change the stage and/or player side after the game has ended.

  7. If a player is disconnected from the game within the first 15 seconds the game is to be restarted.

  8. If a player is disconnected from the game after the first 15 seconds of the first round of a game their opponent has the right to request the game being counted as a win for them. In such situations, both players should contact Hessen Crash Online staff.

  9. Players should contact the Hessen Crash Online staff if a match between two players did not start after five tries because of connection issues. The staff will try to determine the cause of the connection issues and resolve the situation.

  10. The winner will be decided by a coin toss if the connection issue cannot be resolved.

  11. Rage quitting during a stream-match leads to disqualification from the tournament.

  12. Abusing glitches and bugs on purpose will lead to an instant loss and a ban from the current Hessen Crash Online tournament for the abuser.

  13. Match-fixing (i.e. making agreements on the outcome of a match before it has started) is strictly forbidden and will result in disqualification from the current tournament and a permanent ban from all future Hessen Crash Online tournaments for both parties involved. No exceptions will be made and the bans cannot be reverted at a future point in time.

4. Prizes and Eligibility

  1. Players placing within the Top 3 of each tournament are eligible to receive prize money from the prize pot for that particular tournament. The amount of money received is determined by a players placement within the tournament with the distribution of prize money being:

    • 1st Place = 60% of the prize pot
    • 2nd Place = 30% of the prize pot
    • 3rd Place = 10% of the prize pot

  2. Players under the age of 16 cannot receive prize money even if they place within the Top 3 of the tournament.

  3. In case of a player under the age of 16 placing within the Top 3 of the tournament the prize money reserved for their respective place will be transferred into the prize pot of Challenger League Season 3 league.

  4. The default method of payout is through PayPal. Players eligible to receive prize money for a particular tournament should contact the head administrator of Hessen Crash Online immediately after the tournament ends to receive their winnings.

  5. If a player does not have a PayPal account they are required to contact the head administrator immediately after the particular tournament they are eligible to receive prize money for has ended in order to establish a different method for receiving their winnings. The player in question will be responsible for covering any monetary expenses arising from choosing a different payout method.

  6. The head administrator reserves the right to deny payment of any outstanding prize money from any Hessen Crash Online tournament, should a player fail to establish communications with the head administrator concerning their winnings within a reasonable time frame. Winnings withheld in this fashion will be added to the prize pot of the next Challenger League Season.

5. Behaviour and Other

  1. Insults, discrimination, racism, unsportsmanlike conduct, etc. are not welcome and can lead to disqualification from the current ECCS tournament and forfeiture of rights to receiving prize money.

  2. Permanent complaints about lag and bad connections are unwanted. Hessen Crash Online is an online tournament series and sometimes connections over the internet don't work out as expected.

  3. Every Hessen Crash Online staff member has the right to act on their own in situations that require instant action. Should you not agree with a decision please voice your complaints in the dedicated #feedback channel.

  4. If you have any questions before, during, or after a tournament you can contact the Hessen Crash Online staff in the #hessen-crash-online channel.

Final Results















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