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Wheel of Destiny

The wheel of destiny

This tournament is based of a lot of random things xD. The faction, the lord and two units of your army will be selected randomly.

Tactical Lich is going to cast the tournament !!

It will be bo1 with looser bracket, except the final in bo3.

P1 is the fighter on top of the bracket, please p1, send me the replay.

For each game you'll have to turn the faction wheel, the lord wheel and two times the units wheel.

If you've given ungor that means you can take any units that is a variant or a ROR of ungor.

You can have twice the same unit from the wheel, so don't press remove when you select your first unit.

Spin the wheel before making your army.

If the wheel select an army or units you don't have you allowed to reroll it.

We will be playing using fruit rules :

In case of rule break continue playing and send me the replay afterward. 

To find your opponent please use the find-your-opponent channel of the NC discord :

Faction :

Final Results











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