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Hellpit Tournament #3


Tournament completed!

Share the victory to your followers by giving a shout-out.


Tournament for new players, NA time this time!

Registration is only open for players with the Rat Ogre role in Human Boys discord.

If you are new to WH MP join the discord and simpy ask for the Rat Ogre role so you can participate in new player events like this, and get help from coaches as well!


Rules of play and army limits:



P1 global bans 1 faction, then P2 global bans 1 faction. These factions may not be used by either player for the rest of the series. No player may play the same faction twice in a BO3.

Round 1: P1 picks 3 factions and bans 1; P2 removes 1 of P1's 3 selections, and then picks their faction to play. P1 picks which of their remaining 2 factions to play.

Round 2: Reverse of Round 1 - P2 starts by picking 3 and banning 1.

Round 3: Winner of round 2 picks 2 factions they wish to play. Opponent picks 1 faction to face either of the 2.

The winner will be promoted to Boneripper, and leave Hellpit to feast on man-thing yes-yes!

For any questions or about admin stuff contact CoolUmbrella in the discord.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third






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