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Warhammer Sussy Sabotage - Enemy Picks Half of your army

Welcome everyone to my for fun Total War: Warhmmer III Tournament.

Rules are simple enemy picks half of your army, and you pick half of his army.
And you both try to win with the dogshit units that you gave each other.

Games are Bo1 blind pick
Tournament is double elimination.

You can GLOBAL BAN up to 2 factions. The bans stay with you for All of your games. and affect both you and your opponent. 

(This is done to prevent target bannong factions vs specific opponents)

The match proceedings are as follows:

1. Both players blind pick their factions and announce them to their opponent.

2. Players spends up to 6800 gold of their opponents build on any units or characters they want, You can pick UP TO 12 UNITS.

3. Players send the units they picked to their opponent, the opponent is forced to use them, they cannot remove any unit picked by their opponent.
4. Players spend their remaining funds.

Rules regarding picking your opponents army:

You can:

Pick your opponents Lord

Select Heroes for your opponent

Choose which lores of magic casters are forced to use

Give your opponent any units including RoR

Give yout opponents units and characters from the Extended Roster
(extended roster units can only be given to someone by their opponent, you cannot pick them for yourself)

You can't:

Choose item, spells or mounts for your opponents characters

Waste money on Chevrons

army caps and all gameplay related stuff in accordance with fruit rules:

Fruit Rules:

All tournament related communication will take place in the Under Empire Discord server

Discord Link:

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third






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