Tekken 7

SaltyEU Tekken 7 (PC) #142: Type Struggle

  • 23 Players
  • Double Elimination
  • TEKKEN 7
  • October 2, 2021 at 6:00 PM CEST
  • Check-in: Closed

Please sign up with your Steam name, it will save a lot of time and confusion.

Add me on Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Panteroxid or Friend Code 83819976

Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/Qh8vK7A

Join our Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Salty-EU

Remember to check-in to the tournament on Challonge before it starts!

Check-in opens two hours before tournament start.

It will be announced on stream when check-ins are finished (Usually 18:10CEST).

The bracket will also be shuffled before tournament start.

Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/panterosida

Website: https://www.salty-eu.com/en/

Prizes: Struggle edition is just for bragging rights, Please save donations for future events


Players must be situated in Europe.

To ensure the smoothest online experience possible, due to most players being from EU West, Russian players are banned from entering.

Wifi is not permitted, please use an ethernet cable.

4G/5G routers are not permitted.

A TO may ask you for a connectivity test at any time.

Any complaints to a TO regarding connectivity must be made BEFORE a set is finished, otherwise the result will stand.

If connectivity issues are discovered during a match, cease the match immediately and contact a TO.

Sets are BO3 matches. 

Winners finals, Losers finals and Grand finals are BO5 matches.

Players have to update the scores on Challonge themselves after playing a match.

Contact me on Steam if you can't get a hold of your opponent, I'll let them know and start a timer, if they don't show up in 10mins they'll be DQ'ed.

Disconnections DURING a match results in 1 match point to the opponent.* Disconnecting during syncing does nothing, please reload.

*If the DC happens during round 1, replay the match with 1-0 rounds to the opponent.

If you lose a match you may change your character. The winner of a match is NOT allowed to change their character.

If the winner DOES change their character, it results in 1 match point to the opponent.

It is allowed to change characters in-between sets though!

The first stage must be picked at random.

The loser gets a choice between picking stage or changing characters. 

Customization with usable items is allowed. +1 cool point to anyone who actually uses them well.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal second
Icon medal third















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