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The Sh**tiest Build

To Wario123: Please join my discord or send me a DM on discord because I can't find you anywhere on discord.

(Join my discord to participate in the tournament:

Land battles have too many opportunities to cheese your opponent with unbalanced armies and as a result, many rules were put in place to limit OP units. In this tournament, there’s no such thing. Bring whatever broken and OP stuff you want, as long as you are within the default unit caps. 

Though there is one catch: you won’t be using the army you built. Instead, you will be using your opponent’s army, and vice versa. So, whatever you put into your own army, you will be fighting it in battle, with whatever trash build that your opponent gives you. Make the nastiest build ever to win. Bring non-meta units, go for a full army of fodder, make super unbalanced armies, and surprise your opponent with an army so bad it’ll make them smash their keyboards. 

May the worst build wins.

Format: BO1

Ruleset: Fruit Rules (Just rules of engagement and deployment. Ignore rules about unit selection) (

Special Army Rules: 

  • Please make sure you have all DLCs so that you can play with any build your opponents might bring.
  • Design an army build, and that will be your army build for the entire tournament. You will be fighting it in every battle.
  • Use default unit caps and bring a minimum of 400 unit models. I don’t care if you bring duplicate spells or bugged units. Do what you must to give yourself the upper hand.
  • CANNOT have more than 100 gold remaining
  • Other than the above points, go ham. No holds are barred this time.
  • BUT REMEMBER, you are not the one using the army. Your opponent will be using it.
  • Be creative and drag down your opponent with the worst army choices you can think of
  • Cannot pick any race that has been picked by earlier submissions, unless every race has been picked before. In that case, you’ll have to pick a race that has only been picked once.
  • Post a screenshot of your army (including both the army and leftover funds) onto the designated discord channel (#tourney_builds on my discord). State your username and the ability loadouts on all your characters. That way, your opponent can easily find your build.

Final Results

Icon medal first
Icon medal third






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